Engineering Analytics

How Issue Cycle Time and Monthly Average Time in Jira & Trello Status Can Empower Project Managers in Software Development

Unleashing the Power of Git Analytics: Boosting Collaboration and Efficiency in Your Development Workflow

Demystifying Git Datasets and Custom Formulas: Pioneering Software Development Analytics with Keypup

Measuring Developer Productivity: Innovative Approaches and Redefined Metrics

Reflect and Evolve: The Crucial Role of Retrospective Analysis in Software Engineering

GitHub metrics

How to Use GitHub Metrics to Drive Software Development Strategy

Software Velocity: How to Maximize Your Team Efficiency

GitHub Analytics 101: Understanding the Pulse of Your Repositories

From Lines of Code to Modern Engineering KPIs: A New Paradigm in Measuring Developer Productivity

What Are Git Reporting Tools?

SOC 2 Compliance: A Step-by-Step Guide

OKR Examples for Software Developers

The 10 Must-Read Books for Tech Leaders

What Is a Burndown Chart?

What is a Sprint Retrospective Meeting?

What is Bitbucket Code Review?

What Is Code Refactoring in Programming?

How to Create a Sprint in Jira?

How to Streamline the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Keypup’s Recommended Action Field

What Is Technical Debt? The Hidden Danger That’s Costing Your Business Money

Using Keypup to Automate Engineering Metrics Reporting

The Importance of Engineering Metrics – Why Gut Feeling Isn't Enough

How to Optimize Your Analytics in DevOps and Engineering Operations

5 Engineering habits that will improve your development efficiency

Tips for Software Planning: A Primer for Tech Leaders to Achieve a Smooth Sailing Experience

4 Data-Driven Moves Every Tech Leads Should Make To Scale Their Engineering Organization

How Tech Leaders Can Accelerate Software Development Cycle Using DORA Metrics

Why Software Engineers Should Consider Engineering Analytics to Boost their Performance and Career

How Can You Become a Software Engineer?

Essential Qualities of Highly Successful Tech Leaders

3 Tactics Tech Leads Can Use to Turn Dev Talk into Meaningful Business Insights

3 Signs Showing Your Engineering Organization and Product Management Team Are Out of Sync and How to Remediate?

A Definitive Software Project Planning Guide for Tech Leads

3 Tips for Product Managers Who Want to Improve Software Roadmap Accuracy ‍

4 Types of Software Engineering Dashboards Your Organization Needs to Scale