Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio
The Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio metric shows the breakdown between planned and unplanned pull requests over a selected time period. Planned pull requests are those that resolve one or more issues via auto-closing keywords, while orphan pull requests do not resolve any issue and are considered as unplanned work.
Improve Development Efficiency
with the
Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio
The Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio metric shows the breakdown between planned and unplanned pull requests over a selected time period. Planned pull requests are those that resolve one or more issues via auto-closing keywords, while orphan pull requests do not resolve any issue and are considered as unplanned work.

From startups to large enterprises, Keypup serves all the unique complexities related to project size, structure and teams, including:
Eliminate Bad Habits in Project Scoping and Practices
By using the Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio metric, you can identify bad habits and inefficiencies in project scoping and engineering practices, such as incomplete or informal scoping and pull requests that are not properly associated with issues. This helps you to eliminate these bad habits and improve your project management practices, leading to better outcomes for your business. By tracking this metric, you can ensure that your team is focused on planned work that aligns with your business goals and avoid unnecessary unplanned work that can cause delays and impact project delivery timelines.
Improve Software Development Practices
To improve the Planned vs. Unplanned Work Ratio, you can involve the product team early in the development process, encourage the use of project management tools for tracking internal work, and educate your team on good development practices, such as linking issues to pull requests.