Performance update - Faster data synchronization and UI loading

June 10, 2021
Keypup 1.0 Performance update

We recently brought various performance improvements to the platform to deliver faster data synchronization and data display. We also implemented a series of general improvements and bug fixes across the platform.

  • Speed up third-party data ingestion and data enrichment processing time
  • As part of this performance work, we also brought many improvements to Cloudtasker, our open source library for GCP Cloud Tasks . These improvements will soon be released as part of v0.12.0.
  • Improve JIRA and Trello data fetching strategies, with better support for throttling and pagination.
  • Improve UI loading strategy, using on-demand content loading. See our writeup on this approach on our blog.
  • Improve default inbox prioritization rules, especially for items recently worked on

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