Query repository and development data and save reports with the Data Explorer

March 5, 2021
Data Explorer - Keypup 1.0

The data explorer allows you to easily query pull request and issue data and save these queries as reports. Reports can also be pinned as tabs on your Priority Inbox for easy access.

No API calls. All queries and reports in the one place. Yep - that simple. And really performing - the reports you will get can be customized at will and have many conditions. Oh, and they're dynamic, so once created, you can just follow up on them to see your progress.

You can find all your JIRA custom fields to perform queries. They will be automatically added to the standard fields.

Reports are shareable - so not only can you share them directly with your PM, but also with any of your teammates, so that you track the same things at the same time - and you can collaborate faster.

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