Bitbucket integration

Our Bitbucket integration allows you to import pull requests into Keypup and better track development activities across all projects in one place - especially if you connect JIRA as well.
Get instant clarity on your pull request statuses. Finally a clear tracking view individually and across the board.
Pull Requests and JIRA issues nicely aggregated and prioritized
Tag JIRA or Trello issues in your pull request commits or title and Keypup will automatically aggregate those. Pull requests will automatically be prioritized based on due dates of attached issues.
All your pull requests in one view
Struggling to follow pull requests across all your Bitbucket projects? Keypup centralizes them all in the Review & Merge board to give you an easy way to follow what's going on.
Developer board or JIRA board? Both!
Using JIRA or Trello to track your Bitbucket development? Is that JIRA board not developer-centric enough? Get your own automated development board with Keypup.
Create your own reports
Need a better overview of Bitbucket activity? Create your own report on current or past pull requests to get a better understanding of development activities.